The Scarecrow and the Storms is a series of fantasy books wriiten by Martin Simonson and R.M. Gilete, and are published by Portal Editions. I have been involved in this project by contributing cover illustrations to all the books in the series (see below), as well as drawing interior illustrations for some of the books, and for use on the eductational website dedicated to the series, which aims at children learning English at school. The series is also published in Spanish and Basque.
Since the series is still in the process of publication, and I in the process of creating artwork for the sequels to Golgrim's Keys, watch this space for news about the Scarecrow Project. Clicking on the covers will lead you to those books which have been released already, and to the artwork I created for them.
• Golgrim's Keys Book of Adventure
• Volume 2: The Anatomy of Air
• Volume 3: The Dwellers in the Mountains