Jakob (with Erek Kühn and Marco Zeugner) 1997, stop-motion animation, ca 12min
Wyrd Gemot 1998, real-footage and 3D-computeranimation, ca 5min
Ääätsch! 1999, animation, ca 2min
Herborn 2001, real-footage and animation, ca 18min
About five years after my last animated film in 2006, I was asked by fellow teachers of Johanneum Gymnasium in Herborn (the school I was a student at and am now a teacher as well) to contribute a short animation to the film they were making for the school's 50th anniversary. I decided to animate the school's logo, Prometheus.
The finished clip was used as a break between different features in the film. The frames were drawn with edding on transparent paper.
In addition to my uni-films I've drawn a number of short animations inspired by the BBC's brilliant series Sherlock.